This is a very early test of this website. It's just supposed to be used to check if the javascript works correctly.

Here goes the barrack itself


Oh! Welcome.

I'm Siscu, the owner of this hut in this edge of neocities. This ragged barrack is where I rest my soul, thoughts, and show my creations to wandering passerbies like you. I make stuff, you know? Not really impressive stuff, but what makes me happy.

Around me is a selection of things I know about. Click on them and I'll give you a tour.


Hey! I'm not a thing! But I can talk about me if you want. We'll treat this as the "About" tab this site is sorely lacking.

I'm a spanish young man with a liking to art, music and a penchant for materialising my creative thoughts if I have the tools to do so.
"Siscu" is the nickname I go for, as well as what most of people know me by, both online and offline. It's a common nickname for my real name.
I was once known online as "CiscuLog", but I've tried to not use this name anywhere else anymore except for my GitHub account. It's an old nickname that came up when first joining an online game, so there's no need for it to be kept. rid of that name. A current abbreviation I use a lot is "6Q", since both characters are pronounced the same as my name in my native language ("sis","cu").

About the site itself, I'm quite proud of the layout. It's a fun javascript exercise to make a static html be this interactible, since you might've noticed you haven't left this page except for when I show you a book or similar. The downside is how big the file itself is, but it can't be helped. You could read all this in the source html without need to navigate between the items here. Pick your poison, as they say.
While I'm at it, I should recommend some sites that inspired the layout of this one. Here you go:

List of Links


Since I was a kid I've always loved drawing. It was a way to express my thoughts, dreams and whatever this once livid imagination came up with. This has simmered over the years, mostly since I got into adulthood, but I still use the pencil from time to time and scribble what my brain is poking me with.
You can check my notebook, I don't mind!


Under construction

Videogames I recommend

I like videogames. Not all of them, but specifically the ones that have great stories and mysteries the player can discover and are attached to the game's central mechanics. There's a few recommendations I have, in case you haven't played them:

Outer Wilds

This is the game everyone will tell you to play completely blind, but won't elaborate further than that. The reason, of course, is because telling you more about it is spoiling one of the best gaming experiences you'll ever have.
The deal with this game is how it's all knowledge-based. You as a player are dropped in a completely new solar system with the "purpose" of doing some space archaeology and discover the stories behind an ancient race of aliens who inhabited the same solar system you do now. And yes, I wrote "purpose" because that's not at all what you're going to do as soon as the game gives you the spaceship and lift off the planet. You'll end up doing whatever you feel like and inevitably stumbling with structures or features that will catch your attention.
You'll feel like a space detective, crossing the solar system and solving a puzzle with multiple eurekea moments until you realise what the true purpose of the game is. And if you've collected all the pieces, it will all collapse in a beautiful conclusion towards the finalisation of your journey. It's a beautiful game that made me tear up several times, and that I'll never be able to experience again for the first time.
And here's why explaining this game to somebody is so hard: since it's all about puzzling your newly acquired kowledge, any plot-relevant told beforehand will take away from a realisation you could've come up with alone. This game is all about knowing, realising what's the deal with the world and piecing together

Hollow Knight

This game about bugs is one of the most generic metroidvanias you'll ever play. However, what it does, does it greatly. It's incredibly polished and everything in that world has been thought out to serve the general story.


This is quite the big box to open, really.

Since 2019 I've been quite active in the Minecraft resource pack community. I was keen on changing the look of certain aspects of the game. I started a first project called Visual Enchantments which did exactly that. It gained some traction and was, technically speaking, a fun coding challenge, so I spent the following years mantaining it. This is not the only thing I worked on at the time, but the rest of projects are so miscellaneous I wouldn't know where to start. When one project was finished I started the next one, and as such a pandemic flew by.

Since 2022 I've been dabbling with Datapacks to change the mechanics of the game itself! It's a topic that excited me, and since then I've been working on the Survivor's Elegy project. It's still going and I have lots of plans for it, but I have little free time so the development is slow.


Really, there is a lot of stuff I'm still doing and mantaining. I'm really excited to show my creations, but I understand it can get tiresome if you're not interested on the subject at hand. If you are though, we can go through my notebook with everything I've done!

Oh, this fishing rod? It's to keep my beer cold of course.